Awaken your Space

Magic of Mantras and Vocals

2 month group deep dive into the journey of exploring Mantras with their pronunciation, special guided Mantra Meditations filled with Healing and singing practice based on voice training techniques.

Friday evenings at 7.30 PM- 9.00 PM India Time – 8 sessions

Starts From 15th December 2022

Come, step into your inner altar with me.

 Do you remember who you are? Touch that part of your self which inspires you, empowers you and most importantly makes you experience BLISS.

All this and more, using your voice, sound and magical divine guidance of Mantras by Mukta Mayoori. In my new LIVE course of  Magic of Mantras and Vocals,  we shall journey together.

Now put your hand on your heart and FEEL.

Awaken your SPACE- Magic of Mantras and Vocals

Is a one of a kind 1 month LIVE journey for ACTION TAKERS
Like you who are ready to say a BIG YES

 To achieve an inner peace and know the exact value and importance of it
In today’s challenging times
the Inner calmness you seek is already yours.
You only have to claim. 

Kindle this desire to explore your inner self.

I’ll be teaching you how to

Get in touch with your voice, your power so that you can...

I am ready to claim my power

There are so many people doing so many different types of therapies and healing. There are also many books that guide you beautifully as well but there is nothing equal to having a LIVE immersion that unfurls the petals of wisdom using the power of FUNDAMENTALS.

The power of Fundamentals works with SOUND and LIGHT both of which are the SOURCES of all teaching that exists in the world.

The reason why most of the neo-age manifestation tricks and tips don’t work in the long run is that the TRUTH needs to be unadulterated from any distortion

And MANTRAS with the power of your sound gives you that anchoring to explore your inner realm more authentically. 

This is the reason I made a LIVE course this time imbibing the best of learning with practice; devotion with Singing- and all based on the HEALING science of Breath and Vocals.

Through Awaken your SPACE- Magic of Mantras and Vocals, you will be bringing your own power to your core and your transformation here is all by your own receptivity. The more you are open to receiving, the more you harness from the transmission.

What is included in this Live Course?

This program includes:

  • 8 classes will have 8 different Mantras for practice
  • We will also be learning the full chant of GANESHA PACNCHARATNAM
  • Right Pronunciation with Meanings
  • Singing practice of each stanza of the STOTRAM
  • Each session of Mantra Meditation will have sound healing
  • Energetic Body cleansing and resetting
  • Awareness of SOUND BODY
  • Special KRIYA YOGA integrated Breathing exercise
  • Each participant has to send in the recording after their individual practice


 Energy Exchange is 24,000 INR ($325)  for 8 sessions
( Original Price 48,000 INR / $650)

Early Bird offer is 18,000 INR ($245), expires on 15th January 2022

Ready to find your sound body, boosted confidence from a profound, authentic and ancient wisdom modality?

Let’s Journey in!

The experience here will be intimate, one of a kind and at the same time slow and steady so that you can seep in all the learnings and exercises, integrate them, and move ahead in the journey.

Sign up now and say yes to your healing journey with me.

I can’t wait to see you blossom!

Interested to know more?

Join us for a transformative authentic
Weekend Retreat in Goa.


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