About Us
Namaste Beautifuls!
I am Mukta Mayoori
(Mayoori S Hanagodimath)
And I don’t like any labels and definitions. No fancy words of Guide, Mentor, Guru, Priestess, Holiness or whatsoever. I find them all very boxy.
I like to call myself as an ‘enabler’ for all the Transformation work that includes energy and strategy for your life.
I am here to serve those souls who are truly seeking a key in their life to unlock a huge potential of who they are.
SO, if anybody wants to still understand in what capacity i can aid your transformation, i would say, that i am a mirror and a witness to your true self and we will walk the path together to enable you to be an enabler.
There, my mission gets accomplished. Simple, right?
Before you begin to know, what i do and how i work, you perhaps want to know a little of my background.
I studied sanskrit since the age of 7 and graduated with specialisation in Sanskrit with overall 13 years of systematic study and till date i have experience of 25 years 🙂 in sanskrit based studies.
I was a journalist.
I was a promo producer.
I was a documentary film maker.
And for a very very long time, i was in advertising industry and with world’s best firms, if i may add.
I was also an active NGO worker, directing programmers, being the ground breaking hands on doer.
And now,
I continue to serve the best purpose of my life.
YES! I combined why i do what i do with the best approaches of skills i possessed.
So now,
I Am
- a channel of the universe.
- a vessel carrying this modality of healing “mantradhwani”.
- a seeker.
- a poet.
- an artist.
I facilitate the Transformational journey powered by Energy work, Mantras and Coaching as a combination.
I coach people who are ready to take their lives to a next level of transformation.
I love music-
I Sing. Dance. And Play Sitar. And all my transformational work includes a combination of these.
This is how simply I can really bring myself alive to you without having met you in person 🙂
And now some bio data, read on ahead: Please note that these are credentials

With 15 years of experience in the field of Communication, Advertising, Training and Modern wellness modules, Mayoori brings with her effective analytical skills to reach the core issue preventing progress at all levels by addressing it with her unique style of blending knowledge with experience. Her specialisation in Sanskrit for more than 25 years of study and research makes her a very authentic and credible source of her modality- to get the essence without complications.
Her knowledge in NLP, Emotional Intelligence, Clinical Hypnotherapy with profound solutions from Yoga sciences plug the gap between the challenges and solutions in a foolproof way.
She spent 14 years in Brand Advertising world, drafting communication strategies, creating content that sells and effectively impacts across masses. It is here that she started gearing her interests in Training as her strong Strategic skills were merged with empathetic imparting of knowledge for absorption and implementation.
Mayoori is also a keen researcher and hence she assesses, prepares content and delivers transforming training programs for Corporates, Educational Institutions in a customized goal oriented, result oriented approach.
She been coaching and counselling leaders of corporates, diplomats, Teachers, Students and Individuals.

- Her strengths of training come from her innate ability to simplify the concepts and make the very easy to adopt and practise. She has coached people from across the globe. Some of her clients are from Lebanon, Italy, Russia, UK, Greece and India.
- Her Advertising background adds to making her presentations and style extremely creative, innovative and fresh every time.
- High Profile Individual coaching for life goals with conscious direction.
- Communication training for effective personality development through Language, Attitude and Behavior improvisation techniques.
- Soft skills and Communication Management
- The Resilience Advantage modules for effective personality development
Tools of movement meditation and alternative therapies to build confidence, infuse values of self-actualization to embrace one’s path with confidence and responsibility
- M.S. Mass Communications from Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, with specialization in Broadcast Spectrum; Gold Medalist
- B.A with specialisation in Journalism, Women’s studies and Optional Sanskrit, Bangalore University, Karnataka– Winner of 9 gold medals and 11th State Rank holder, 2004
- Life Coach from Transformation Services Inc from Joeel & Natlaie Rivera
- Eriksonian Hypnotherapy Diploma from Dan Jones – Accredited by UK’s General Hypnotherpay, Standards Council (GHSC)
- Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist – Trained by Dr Karen Wells
- Reiki Level 1, II and Master Teacher Program from Lisa Powers
- Digital Marketing– Rob Percival and Daragh Walsh
- EFT and TFT Master Trainer

The Story of how it all began...

It was Hide and Seek, Always.
It was like a game. If I hid, I was sought out and if I sought THAT hid from me. Till one day, I surrendered. I was tired from inside. I was done. I finally let my being exhale. And that moment, some spark lit up inside of me. It was like a multimedia 5 D presentation. Every second was like a potent 1 hour. Visions flashed and there I had my past, present and future intertwined showing me my own jigsaw puzzle. I don’t know how long I had sat like that in deep trance and my Teacher/ Master- Sister who helped me so much, Maya smiled “ so you opened your soul memory, it seems”. And I was just moved to tears.
This is when I was 32.
Flash back.
Circa 1990’s. I must have been in single digits. I am told I was quite a prodigy for my age and very avid learner. I had finished reading Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s book of anecdotes and had picked up a new one “ Sri Ramakrishna for children” with illustrations. I turn to the page where Sri Sarada Mata ( Sri Ramakrishna’s wife) was visited by Divine Mother – Goddess Kaali. I looked at the picture. Deep blue skin; almost black and I tell my mother that I see this Goddess always around me and my mother having been brought up herself in that environment readily agrees and says “
. So the journey that started in my early childhood or should I say in the womb of my mother grew and took nourishment with the household made up of devout father and mother ( more about them later in the page) has brought me through so many ups and downs, undulating waves of acceptance, denial, belief and agnostic doubting phases, of surrender and of utmost surrender to here and now. For YOU. For everyone like you who is searching for the answer, the divine has set in motion something so big and so marvellous that it may sound incredible to state what I foresee from this beautiful method of healing.
It changed my life. It will change yours. It will change the lives of countless people. It will go through a transformation in its journey as well and we will together witness it growing

To add a sound awareness to everything you experience so that you enjoy, create and celebrate the existence- a little more than when we met you.

To make every part of the globe resonate with the energy of mantras in one way or the other. And to preserve this ancient secret door of spiritual wisdom by embracing it, using it and sharing it
Kind Words
I have been so grateful for all the beautiful souls from different walks of life, different parts of the globe to have crossed my path, to have trusted me with their time, money and energy.
I don’t like to use the word STUDENT which puts a hierarchy. Instead, these are the beautiful souls who empowered themselves with the modality of Mantradhwani and mentorship programmes